Friday, December 14, 2007

Look at it this way...

Now, let me first start off with that fact that I certainly do not agree with the use of steroids. It is dishonest and cheapens my favorite sport. Bonds, Clemens and Co. should be ashamed of themselves for thinking they could pull this off and think that the public was too dumb to ever find out. But if you look at some of the other names on "The Report", you'll see that alot of these players were no name guys. Players who were fighting to stay on the roster, because the guy across from them was challenging them for their spot on the roster and he was using too! Baseball knew about this and did nothing! They didn't care that balls were flying out of the stadium at a higher rate because it was putting fans in the stands. But when you have a 33 year old player who has done nothing but played baseball from the age of 5 and see's the end of his career coming because the kid coming up from the minors who is using steroids (because it is easier to get away with it down there) , he is going to look to level the playing field because he is at a competitive disadvantage. He has known nothing else than baseball and would do anything to keep his dream alive, and that includes cheating me, you, and himself. Don't let the 80 some bad apples drive you away from baseball. Be encouraged that "something" was revealed.

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