Thursday, September 20, 2007

Someone please call Dr. Phil

To sum it up, I’m sick of it. And I don’t mean Donovan McNabb and the “Twice as Good” theory that he threw around the other night on HBO with James Brown. I just mean everything. It’s one thing after another with this guy. There is always some sort of suspense around this guy. I think he is a closet media attention freak.

Now let me first preface this by the fact that my dad has McNabb’s Jersey and so does my sister. And she doesn’t have just any jersey, but I mean one of those little pink jerseys that the girls wear. I’d have one of his jerseys too, but I don’t like having the same jersey as one of my family members. You know what it’s like. And let me also add that when my dad said McNabb was not an accurate quarterback, I disagreed and said that he meant to throw that ball low and into the dirt so that there was no chance of an interception. And my dad didn’t care about McNabb’s color cause as far as we were concerned, he was Eagles Green. He criticized him because he was an Eagles quarterback and that he was missing receivers. My dad called Rodney Peete, Bubby Brister, Ty Detmer, and Bobby Hoying all terrible quarterbacks. Why do you ask? Cause they were all starting Eagles quarterbacks. And they all sucked and every time one of them took the field the Boo-Birds of Philadelphia let them know how bad they were. It had nothing to do with race though because three of them were Caucasian. Pete was African-American, but damn his wife was hot. Yes I am talking about the Holly Robinson Peete. She just might be the reason we let him hang around as long as he did.

Back on track…So what is mutually exclusive reason for us HATING those quarterbacks! They were terrible and not to mention the fact that they played in a city called Philadelphia. Not a city like Detroit or Minneapolis, but Philadelphia. This is the city where the first EVER sports radio station was created called 610 WIP (and yes I know what people say about THE FAN up in New York about them being first but did you ever notice that NY ALWAYS seems to be first to do everything? Little strange if you ask me). We live for sports here in the Northeastern part of the states, but when it comes to football in Philly, there is nothing else. It’s what Baseball is to Boston; Hockey is to Detroit and what Badminton is to Portsmouth, England. So when you under perform in those cities, you hear about it and you are going to hear about it all the time until when you do something right. Bostonians hate Billy Buckner. Why? He lost them the 1986 World Series championship. Do they still hate him? Yeah. He never did anything else for them. Would that angst still survive in say a city like San Diego? No way. Why? THEY LIVE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! They use words like bra, totally, and some of the younger crowd in that area sound like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. “Yo bra, swells are at 12ft and I’m totally hurtin for a knarley ride?”

Now I can’t say that I have ever walked a day in an African-American's shoes and I do feel for what the past several decades have been for their culture. Racism is a terrible thing and I on a personal level, feel like it is fading away into the past. But it is always going to survive when someone brings up a race issue. We will never create unity between races when role models of the African American community bring up race issues. Donovan McNabb is that to the Greater Philadelphia community and probably in other parts of the country. But leaders solve problems, they don’t create them. They don’t go on television and tell the community that there is still a double standard when it comes to being a quarterback in the NFL. You can feel that way and you are certainly entitled to you opinion, but don’t shout it on the mountain. If the young African American community hears from their role model that the hill they need to climb to get to the top is going to be steeper than it looks, they will never try. Let them try and let them succeed.

Now what it really comes down to is this. We supported McNabb when broke his ankle against the Cardinals and we went crazy when he came back. I was at that playoff game. We supported him when Rush Limbaugh cowardly made a comment about Donovan being a black quarterback in the NFL and we supported McNabb’s statement when he said “I thought we were past this”. We were there for McNabb when T.O. through him under the bus and McNabb made a controversial statement saying it was black on black crime. When he aggravated that sports hernia we supported his full recovery from that season ending injury and the same goes with his ACL he tore in November against the Titans. Through all of those disappointing issues we still supported him as Philadelphia Eagles Fans. He commented all off-season that he was the leader of this team and we believed him then. I for one will not stand support him anymore. At least not off the field. On the field he is an Eagle, he is our captain and our quarterback and as a devoted Philadelphia Eagles fan I must and will support him. Off the field he is a coward and he is impulsive. He cries and complains and has his parents do all the talking and blogging for that matter. He creates unnecessary problems that will never allow the team to focus an entire season on football. If it isn’t Rush Limbaugh, it’s a teammate. If it’s not a teammate, it’s his mom. If it’s not him mom, it’s his dad. If it’s not his dad, it’s the media. It’s never just about football. The fact of the matter is Donavan McNabb thinks he is a 10 when he is really an 8. He has underachieved for his career as a second overall pick, is injury prone, has his heir apparent standing on the sidelines and he knows how the team feels about 30 plus year old players with bad knees. I.E. Jeremiah Trotter and Omar Gaither (heir). He is trying to makes excuses why he is being scrutinized to save his job in Philly. He feels the pressure and he can’t stand the heat. My advice: Get out of the kitchen and if you are scared, get a dog cause you gave us some great years and there were quarterbacks that were before you and there is going to be quarterbacks after you. McNabb is for 10-12 years but the Eagles will be forever.

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